Our Services: Weight loss and Muscle toning...
There are many reasons to engage the help of a personal trainer, and looking to lose weight or simply to tone our body and muscles up a bit are common goals .. with the aim of attaining a leaner body, improving our fitness, and boosting our self-confidence and mental well-being.
It's actually hard to over-state this mental well-being we can get from exercising regularly - as well as the added physical health benefits that enable us to better resist or ward off many diseases and illnesses. We also get a great boost to our metabolic rate (which helps with weight control) as well as boosting our all round energy levels and fitness.
Because of this we also try to take a very rounded approach with weight loss goals, encouraging the benefit of aiming for a challenge that is less concerned with pure weight, and more aligned with reducing body fat levels, enhancing muscle tone, boosting your metabolic rate and improving your fitness. The goal for example of dropping a dress or jeans size(s) can be more motivating than just focusing on the scales!!
To help with this, we will check your body measurements at the start of our training, and also discuss any nutrition or diet changes that might help with your goal on an on-going basis.
Once the focus is removed from pure weight checking, we can concentrate on achieving that improved look we're hoping for with a little less pressure, a little leaner body, and hopefully a more enjoyable journey.
Get In Touch
The Northern
Palatine Road
M20 3YA
Rick on 07971 261 813